Our Company

Softmedia Hub LLP, a limited liability partnership company, was set up in October 2014 after registering it with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India.

Digiteye India (https://digiteye.in) is an independent digital journalism initiative and is a part of Softmedia Hub LLP.

Digiteye India (https://digiteye.in) has a dedicated team solely working for fact checking news or claims. Currently, we are a team of one editor and three fact checkers (Please see “our team” page) besides one social media coordinator who have been carrying out the task of screening claims or false narratives, fact-checking, vetting and publishing the copies. We have three fact-checkers and every copy is vetted by the team at several stages before publishing it.

Our Editor is the final authority to decide whether a story meets all the requirements as mentioned in our methodology and Code of Principles. As a signatory of the IFCN Code of Principles, it’s our sincere endeavour to meet all the requirements and stay away from any bias or favour in our write-ups.
Name of the owner entity: Softmedia Hub LLP.
Legal Status: Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) company
Directors:NageshNarayana and Naga Arun KN
Registered Address: 17-B-24, Nandi Gardens, Avalahalli,
JP Nagar 9th Phase, Bangalore-560062, INDIA.
Date of Incorporation: 24-oct-2014.
CIN/LLPIN Number: AAC-8433

Softmedia Hub LLP Funding Details:

Self-funded by the Directors of Softmedia Hub LLP, who are professionals in the fields of news coverage and computer software, respectively. Softmedia Hub has NOT taken any outside funding for supporting its Digiteye India operations as of February 15, 2023.